Urban expansion at the expense of lands causes the loss of many medicinal plants and those that are used as preservatives and additives to flavor food, which together constitute an important part of the natural vegetation in desert areas.
Here lies the importance of conducting studies linking the classification of natural organisms in the different natural systems within the Kingdom with their health and economic benefits with the goal of protecting them from extinction.
The declaration of protected areas and resettlements, the preservation of water resources, coastal environments, and the issuance of regulations and procedures for regulating fishing and grazing, in addition to adopting sustainable development programs and plans and integrated environmental management, are among the most important policies and programs to overcome the risks that threaten biodiversity.
The environmental degradation caused by natural factors and disasters such as the spread of epidemic diseases and seasonal droughts in addition to the increase of overgrazing, logging and some human activities such as unregulated fishing and urban expansion, led to the extinction of some types of wildlife, as coastal development projects and the coastal land reclamation and dredging put pressure on coastal marine environments, leading to their degradation.
Marine pollution contributed to the deterioration of of marine environments in particular due to the disposal of waste water from desalination plants and hot water resulting from power plants and oil pollution and the activities of production, transportation and export.
Climate change may adversely affect the diversity of mammals and birds as a result of the degradation of the pasture environment, and this may cause the mass death of animals if they cannot be transported towards available and sustainable pastures. The decrease in rainfall due to climate change also poses a threat to water sources for wildlife, such as deers, foxes, and others, due to the disappearance of small lakes, springs, and streams in protected areas.